Fluid Brand Activation
We don’t activate your brand, but we activate your target group. Because we want them to become your biggest fans. Feel, taste, and enjoy, we can organise this in many ways at many moments.
A new activation agency for wine and beverage brands has recently been established. Fortify stands for strengthen, a well-known term in the international drinks industry, and focuses on strengthening brand awareness and boosting the image of existing and new brands and labels. They do this through promotions in retail channels, direct promotion to consumers and hospitality professionals, and media events.
Initiators are the owners of Pitch PR: After 17 years of development and growth with the successful niche agency in the food, wine and hospitality sectors, it was time to segment and specialise some of the work. “With Pitch PR, we mainly work on long-term strategic campaigns to strengthen the position of a producer, country or region over several years. Since two years, more and more wine and beverage brands have approached Pitch PR for a quick launch or a one-off activation. This ranges from retail activation, influencer marketing to full events for media, professionals or consumers.”
The wine and spirits world is becoming more international, digital and transparent for consumers, producers and intermediaries. For example, many wine brands are now listed side by side on Vivino, a platform to quickly get information about a wine. Fortify can be used as a professional and innovative PR platform with proven network and guaranteed fast and digital impact.

Cas Oorthuskade 196
1087 DP Amsterdam
09:00 – 17:30
+31 20 468 33 48